Accoustical investigation of the Japanese bamboo pipe, syakuhati
Journal of the College of Sci., Imp. Univ. of Tokyo, Japan ; vol.21, art10
Terada, T.
Algebra : an elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges
Apparitions and thought-transference : an examination of the evidence for telepathy
Contemporary science series
Podmore, F.
Cosmos : a sketch of a physical description of the universe
Bohn's scientific library
Humboldt, A. von.
E. C. Otte.
Education and heredity
Contemporary science series
Guyau, J. M.
W. J. Greenstreet.
G. F. Stou.
Il Tempio Vaticano e sua origine con gl'edifitii più cospicui antichi, e moderni fatti dentro, e fuori di esso / descritto dal Cav. Carlo Fontana. Con molte regole principali d'architettura, & operationi curiosissime, date in luce, e delineate dal medesimo, con un indice copiosissimo delle cose più notabili posto in fine. Opera divisa in sette libri, tradotta in lingua latina de Gio: Gius: Bonnervë de S. Romain
Fontana, Carlo
Fontana, Carlo
Man and woman : a study of human secondary sexual characters
Contemporary science series
Ellis, H.
Notes on the vibration of drum. The volcano of Oshima, its past and presents
Repr. fr. Tokyo Sugaku-Buturi-gakkwai Kizi-Gaiyo ; vol.2, no.21. Repr. fr. Tokyo Sugaku-Buturi-gakkwai Kizi ; vol.4, no.15
Terada, T.
On the geyser in Atami
Publications of the Earthquake Investigation Committee in foreign languages ; no.22B. art.4
Honda, K.
Terada, T.
On the whistle porduced by the vibration of a liquied drop, and its application.
Terada, T.
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