Real life in London : or, The rambles and adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his cousin, the Hon. Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis; exhibiting a living picture of fashionalbe characters, manners, and amusements in high and low life by an amateur
The Illustrated pocket library of plain & coloured books
Egan, Pierce.
Religious systems of the world : a contribution to the study of comparative religion : a collection of address delivered at South Place Institute
International library.
Tiele, C. P.
and others.
Renee Mauperin
A century of French romance
Goncourt J. and E. de.
J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly.
Rosmersholm and the lady from the sea.
Collected works of Henrik Ibsen.
Ibsen, H.
W. Archer.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Flowers of Parnassus, 9.
Omar Khayyam.
Fitzgerald, Edward.
Edward Fitzgerald.