Studies in the psychology of sex : analysis of the sexual impulse; love and pain; the sexual impulse in women
Ellis, H.
Studies in the psychology of sex : the evolution of modesty; the phenomena of sexual periodicity; auto-erotism
Ellis, H.
Studies on the mecoptera of Japan
Repr. fr. the Journal of the College of Agriculture, Imp. Univ. of Tokyo ; vol.4, no.6
Miyake, T.
The Classic myths in English literature, based chiefly on Bulfinch's "Age of fable" (1855) accomanied by an interpretative and illustrative commentary.
edited by Charles Mills Gayley.
The Development of the feeling for nature in the middle ages and modern times.
Biese, Alfred.
The Diary of John Evelyn (Reign of Charles II).
Cassell's national library
Evelyn, John.