Accoustical investigation of the Japanese bamboo pipe, syakuhati
Journal of the College of Sci., Imp. Univ. of Tokyo, Japan ; vol.21, art10
Terada, T.
English literture for Japanese students : with numerous illustrative specimens
Hughes, Elizabeth P.
Notes on the vibration of drum. The volcano of Oshima, its past and presents
Repr. fr. Tokyo Sugaku-Buturi-gakkwai Kizi-Gaiyo ; vol.2, no.21. Repr. fr. Tokyo Sugaku-Buturi-gakkwai Kizi ; vol.4, no.15
Terada, T.
On the geyser in Atami
Publications of the Earthquake Investigation Committee in foreign languages ; no.22B. art.4
Honda, K.
Terada, T.
Selection from Collier's history of English literature.
Collier, William Francis.
Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha.
Studies on the mecoptera of Japan
Repr. fr. the Journal of the College of Agriculture, Imp. Univ. of Tokyo ; vol.4, no.6
Miyake, T.