The Anatomy of melancholy
Bohn's standard library
Burton, Robert.
A. R. Shilleto.
The Art of literature : a series of essays
Essays of Schopenhauer/ Thomas Bailey Saunders ; 4
Schopenhauer, Arthur.
T. Bailey Saunders.
The Canterbury tales and Faerie Queene, with other poems of Chaucer and Spenser
The Edinburgh library of standard authors ; 10
Spenser, Edmund
Chauser, Geoffrey
W. S. Rogers
The Fourteenth century
Periods of European literature ; iii
Snell, Frederick John.
The French Revolution and English literature : lectures delivered in connection with the sesquicentennial celebration of Princeton University
Princeton lectures.
Dowden, Edward.
The Hero as a prophet
Maynard's English classic series ; no.33
Carlyle, Thomas.
Alfred F. Blaisdell.
The History of Reynard the Fox, his friends and his enemies, his crimes, hairbreadth escapes and final triumph : a metrical version of the old English translation
Ellis, Frederick Startridge.
F. S. Ellis
The History of the adventures of Joseph Andrews, and his friend Mr Abraham Adam.
Bohn's novelists' library
Fielding, Henry.
The House of the seven gables : a romance
Bohn's cheap series of standard works.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel.
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