Selections from Tyndall's fragments of science and Helmholtz's popular scientifi.
Tyndall, J.
Helmholz, H.
Sleep : its physiology, pathology, hygiene, and psychology
Contemporary science series
Manaceme, M. de.
Some photographs of projectiles in flight. The volcano of Oshima, its past and present
Repr. fr. Tokyo Sugaku-Buturi-gakkwai Kizi. Ser.II ; vol.4, no.15, 17
Terada, T.
Okochi, M.
Studies in the psychology of sex : analysis of the sexual impulse; love and pain; the sexual impulse in women
Ellis, H.
Studies in the psychology of sex : the evolution of modesty; the phenomena of sexual periodicity; auto-erotism
Ellis, H.
Studies on the mecoptera of Japan
Repr. fr. the Journal of the College of Agriculture, Imp. Univ. of Tokyo ; vol.4, no.6
Miyake, T.
The evolution of marriage and of the family
Contemporary science series
Letourneau, C.
The germ-plasm : a theory of heredity
Contemporary science series
Weismann, A.
W. Newton Parker
H. Roennefeldt.
The physiology of the senses
University extension manuals
M'Kendrick, J. G.
Snodgrass, W.
The science of life : an outline of the history of biology and its recent advances
Victorian era series
Thomson, J. A.
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