Wasan Collection

This collection consists of the former book collections of Tsuruichi Hayashi (1873-1935), a professor at the Faculty of Science of Tohoku Imperial University and the first director of the library, and Matsusaburo Fujiwara (1881-1946), a colleague at the founding of the arithmetic course, as well as 14,470 books of Japanese Wasan materials collected by both professors, in addition this large collection includes 2,667 books from the former book collection of Norifumi Okamoto (1847-1931), a member of the Imperial Academy, and others. This is a large collection totaling 18,335 books.
Tsuruich Hayashi was the leading person among Japanese arithmetic studies of those days, but was also a successor to the Seki school of Japanese arithmetic. Therefore, this collection also includes the license for Seki-Ryu Wasan. This collection, together with the Wasan-related materials contained in the Kano collection, accounts for two-thirds of all Wasan materials in Japan. This is the biggest reason why Tohoku University has become a major center for Wasan research.
As to the characteristics of this collection, it holds many originals and manuscripts of provincial arithmeticians while covering most of the major printed books. It also contains many materials on astronomy, calendar calculations, and measurement, as well as Japanese arithmetic. Particularly valuable works include "Warizan-sho" (published in 1622) by Shigeyoshi Mouri and "Jugai-roku" (published in 1639) by Tomoaki Imamura, a disciple of Shigeyoshi Mouri. In addition, the collection of various "Jinkoki" can be said to be of the highest standard in terms of both quantity and quality.
This collection was kept in the department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science for a long time, but in 1968, it was transferred to the Research Institute for Japanese Culture in the Faculty of Arts and Letters, and in 1979, it was moved to the Tohoku University library.
Images of materials are currently being prepared.
- Hayashi Collection東北帝国大学理学教授・初代図書館長であり、和算研究の第一人者にして関流和算の継承者でもあった林鶴一が個人的に収集した資料です。良質の刊本や関流の写本が充実しています。解説を見る
- Hayashi Labo Collection東北帝国大学理学教授・初代図書館長であり、和算研究の第一人者にして関流和算の継承者でもあった林鶴一が、在職中に大学の予算で購入したもの、あるいは各方面から寄贈を受けたものの資料群です。解説を見る
- Chiba Collection
- Hayai Collection
- Ichimura Collection
- Kuribayashi Collection
- Chiba Rokuro Collection
- Sakamaki Collection
- Iwate Mathematical Books
- Umemura Collection
- Sawayanagi Collection
- Sakai Collection
- Kokubun Collection
- Hase Collection
- Mashiko Collection
- Matsunaga Collection
- Hojo Collection
- Terasawa Collection
- Natori Collection
- Nishiwaki Collection
- Makuuchi Collection
- Kanehara Collection
- Osaka Collection
- Former Tsugaru Domain Wasan Books
- General Published Wasan Books
- Jinkouki
- Kaizanki
- Hayashi Jiko’s Annotated Manuscripts
- Ishizuka Katsutaka’s Annotated Manuscripts
- Suzuki Yoshishige’s Annotated Manuscripts
- Ohno Kyokuzan’s Annotated Manuscripts
- Mogami-ryu Mathematical Books
- General Wasan Books Manuscripts
- Astronomy and Calendar Published Books
- General Regional Survey Published Books
- Astronomy and Calendar Manuscripts
- Regional Survey Manuscripts
- Navigation Manuscripts
- Arithmetic Published Books
- Eight-line Tables(Wasan Books)
- Miscellaneous
- Fujiwara Collection東北帝国大学理学部教授で、林鶴一没後はその意思を受け継ぎ和算史研究を続けた藤原松三郎の収集資料です。藤原が個人で買い集めたもので、中国の算書を含み、林文庫・林集書を補完する内容となっています。解説を見る
- Fujiwara Labo Collection
- Okamoto Collection
- Haga Labo Collection
- Hirayama Collection
- Former Physics Department Books
- Shingu Collection
- Atami Collection
- Karino Collection’s Wasan Books
- Abe Collection’s Wasan Books
- Soseki Collection’s Wasan Books
- Former Main Library’s Wasan Books
- Former General Education Branch Library’s Wasan Books
- Medical Library’s Wasan Books
- Former Sendai Technical College’s Wasan Books
- Others
- 総書・雑書
- Philosophy, Religion, and Education
- History and Geography
- Law and Economics
- Language and Literature
- Music and Performing Arts
- Art and Traditional Arts
- Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Medicine
- General Medical Studies
- Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology
- Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry
- Surgery, Gynecology, Ophthalmology, and Otorhinolaryngology
- Dermatology and Smallpox Studies
- Obstetrics
- Acupuncture and Moxibustion
- Hygiene and Health Studies
- 軍陣医学・法医学
- Veterinary Medicine
- 古医方・洋法
- Engineering and Military Science
- 経部
- 史部
- 子部
- 集部
- 叢書部
- 附朝鮮書経部
- 附朝鮮書史部
- 附朝鮮書子部
- 附朝鮮書集部